It’s the 6th of January, and in the Newspeak of 2025 that will no doubt become a day of celebration.
You went through that entire dribble, I can’t call it a speech, so we don’t have to? How depressing!
I did get 1/3 of the way, until the chant to Pence ‘send it back’ part, but who can go through any more of that absolute incoherent rambling?
You can obviously Tony. So we don’t have to.
This time he’s gunna be worse. The mental degeneration has accelerated.
Cheers Tony. I tried. 👍
You went through that entire dribble, I can’t call it a speech, so we don’t have to? How depressing!
I did get 1/3 of the way, until the chant to Pence ‘send it back’ part, but who can go through any more of that absolute incoherent rambling?
You can obviously Tony. So we don’t have to.
This time he’s gunna be worse. The mental degeneration has accelerated.
Cheers Tony. I tried. 👍